Minnesota Paranormal Research Group

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Mission Statement:


Our mission is to apply science to the best of our ability as we investigate, document, and analyze aspects of the paranormal in Minnesota, North and South Dakota with the hopes to obtain proper evidence, achieve a better understanding, help those in need, and aid the public in advancing their knowledge of such phenomenon for the betterment of all.

Our investigations and analysis are done in a completely objective manner and without religious bias, practice, or influence.

Our cases are kept private and all provided information is confidential unless otherwise permitted.

We feel that establishing as much control as possible to the conditions involving an investigation is vital to conducting proper research. The locations we investigate are selected after serious consideration has been made. If you are interested in having us conduct an investigation, please visit our Contact Us page to find out further information on arranging an investigation. Our services are free and available to those who require them.

Our primary goal is to understand and our drive for understanding is supported by our desire for proper research. Properly conducted research is the first step to obtaining viable evidence.



~ Rochelle Harley ~

     Founder MNPRG